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- Written by: SM
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 96
Hosting Setup[edit]
If you have not yet set up a hosting environment you need to do it now, either on a hosting service or your local computer. Read the Hosting Setup tutorial for details.
Also, there are some PHP settings that need to be sufficient for Joomla to install. The settings are usually in a php.ini or user.ini configuration file on the server. If you are on shared hosting, talk to your hosting service about how to change these settings if it is possible to do so. If working on a localhost, for example with XAMPP, or a VPS or dedicated host, you should not be restricted by these settings and can set them yourself.
The minimum values for the php.ini file are shown below:
memory_limit: 256M
upload_max_filesize: 30M
post_max_size: 30M
max_execution_time: 30
It is possible to work with lower values of upload_max_filesize and post_max_size but larger extensions will fail to upload and cause unpredictable problems.
Database Setup[edit]
If you have not yet set up a database do it now. It is covered for a hosting service in the Hosting Setup tutorial. There is also a Creating a Database for Joomla! tutorial that covers localhost and phpMyAdmin methods.
You will need to note basic database information needed when the actual Joomla installation is started.
Location of database, usually localhost even on a hosting service. It can be a specific host's server such as dbserver1.yourhost.com.
The database name